Sunday, March 15, 2009

One of the hardest parts of being a Mom - sick babies...

We had quite the adventure a couple of weeks ago. One Saturday Kalel went down for a nap after playing his guts out and woke up with a high fever. We were at my sisters so we went home and did our regular remedies and he slept with us. He was still fevering Sunday but the Motrin seemed to help. I thought I would take him in Monday because it was pretty high. Then he was doing great Mon morning but by the time the doctor's office closed his fever shot back up and I couldn't do anything to bring it down and he was really lathargic. We went to the ER Monday night. He was diagnosed with RSV & Pneumonia. He is supposed to be too big and old for RSV but this year they've seen a lot his age and it has TRIPLED in UT in the last month!!! His oxygen count was really low so they admitted him. We spent the next 4 night there. It was MISERABLE. He had x-rays, blood tests, breathing treatments, oxygen hooked up to his nose, IV etc. I had friends come visit and bring me free I-Hop pancakes and then... I got REALLY sick Wed night after I told my husband to go ahead and go to his meeting up North. Luckily my sister Danielle came to the rescue. She brought me Costa Vida, Advil, heating pad etc.  and held Kalel's oxygen mask while I showered. And my sister Corinne brought Kalel all sorts of treasures and things to do while there. After the 4th night I said I can't do this anymore I need to take him home. Neither of us were sleeping and he was starting to feel better, which means... he pulls the monitor off his toe, pulls the oxygen out of his nose, tries (successfully) to pull out the IV, wants to go on a walk, wants to be all done etc. They let us go home with oxygen because all his results were looking good - except for his oxygen. He just couldn't keep it up when he was resting or sleeping. So we rented a machine and came HOME! My visiting teachers and Young Women leaders came to the rescue with meals. My husband came home and I slept for 2 days. He is now doing GREAT and is back to normal! We are very blessed and grateful for all the help and prayers. Kyle and I are still fighting this never ending sickness but we're doing well. Thank goodness for binkies, silky blankets and a lap top to watch CARS!!


The Stevens said...

Oh how sad!! Your poor baby boy! I am glad that you are home and that all is going well. Good luck!

Derrick, Rochelle, Talen and Ava said...

This sounds like Deja Vu (or however you spell that). That happen to both my kids last year. Ava ended up in the icu because of it, but luckily they both were released from the hospital after about 4 days too. It is so tiring trying to try to take care of toddlers in small hospital rooms. Hope everything is going well for you now.

DA pages said...

Oh my goodness :( Poor Kalel !:( My heart just breaks for him! I am so glad that he (and you guys too) are doing better! I wish I lived closer to you so I could help you out too!

West and Darci said...

Ahhhhh, I hope you guys start feeling better!