Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm on Vacation!!!

Finally after a long awaited year we are back at the cabin! Anyone related to me knows what I'm talking about. We all await our weeks in Island Park, Idaho. The only part that isn't perfect is that my sweet hubby is working like crazy in Vegas while I'm here. Everyone else except for my sister-in-law Robin is here. Even my brother Mike (who I haven't seen for 2 1/2 years) and Liam who I haven't seen for 3 years! I love family! We are so blessed to have this cabin to come and relax and make memories together. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Finally... a visitor!!!

My sister was driving through to Cali with my niece and I asked if Leah could just stay with me for a couple of days and she could come get her on her way back to Cedar. We had a blast!
We went swimming, got ice cream, watched movies and went to Mandalay Bay's Shark Reef Aquarium. Which was really cool by the way. We saw fish, sea turtles, sharks, jelly fish, sting rays etc. Sadly my camera died, so I don't have pics of Kalel there. I will try to download some from my phone.

Cedar City!

We were able to take a trip to Cedar City for a couple of days! It was a blast. Kalel played with Corinne's duck, geese, chickens etc. Found out what Doritos taste like, rode a tractor, sorta and watched his cousin dig in the dirt!

Bouce House!

Date night! Kyle and I went to the stratosphere after we got off work... around 11:00 pm. Kyle gets motion sickness so, afterwards we went to Denny's. It was a lot of fun!
We made an investment... a bounce house! Kalel is a really busy boy, so we thought this would help. He loves it! His favorite thing is to put the balls in the holes of the wall.

We have a climber! I turned around to find him on top of Abigail's high chair, eating her food! I don't know what to do with him!
Bulwark took us to the rides again. I hate the strip! So dirty, but the rides are fun. Kalel fell asleep, and he looks pretty funny in the pic.