Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some recent crafts & such

I love to do crafts. These are some pillows my Mom and I made. (Except for the gold one up front). I still have one more to make - to complete the set. :) I also received a steam canner for Christmas and canned apples for the first time by myself. I did an apple pie filling which turned out good! There are some other crafts I haven't taken pictures of yet that I will upload soon.

What your house looks like with 5 kids!!!

I watched 4 of my sister's kids while they went out and it was WILD! We had a blast. They kids CRUISED on their wiggle cars all night long! It was so fun to watch them. Kalel loves to HUG the kids, he just puts all his weight on them and waits to be picked up, even if it's his 3 year old cousin Macie!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Kalel had his first sledding experiences this Christmas break. I took him when we were at our cabin and he sat with me for 2 MILES! (We sled down the road and snowmobile up) At first he was a little unsure and then we started hitting bumps and he said "WEEEE, WHOA, THAT's FUN!" It was so FUNNY. There is a picture of him with Kyle's little sister Tessa when we went sledding in Spanish Fork. Then when we came home I bought two sleds. We went to a nearby school with some good hills. He went by himself a few times. He always flew off at the end. :) I will post that video later.

Las Vegas!!!

We went to Las Vegas recently. It was so WARM! It was sad to come back to FREEZING cold weather. But it was a great break. I hung out with some girls that will be going to Canada this summer. It was nice to get to know some people who I will be with all summer! Kalel had fun while we were SHOPPING. Well sometimes. :) He went on the "horsie" for the first time and LOVED it!



This is about a network marketing company called Exfuze. Because of the power of their product, market position, and business plan they are poised to do great things in the near future. I don't do things like this, I HATE MLM STUFF. I swore it off forever a couple years ago. But, and I know this sounds cliche, the combination of the product and compensation plan is unrivaled - anywhere. Please "here it out", both videos - especially the second one, and call me if you want more info. For those of you who know what Monavie did, they say that Exfuze will crush them. The way I see it is if people are going to be making money, and lots of it, it might as well be people like us who really want to make a difference in the world. 801.830.9799