Thursday, November 1, 2007


Since I haven't posted for so long I will let you know, we had a fabulous August through September. We spent some time with my family and Kyle's family at my Grandpa's cabin in Island Park, Idaho. Definitely one of my all time favorite places in this world. While we were there we spent some time in Yellowstone Park where we saw a lot of buffalo. We watched Old Faithful go off under the full moonlight, floated the Snake River, roasted marshmallows etc. It was a blast.

A few weeks later, Glen took us on a "Steve hike" with horses. We loaded them up, and took off up the canyon. It was beautiful. I don't have much experience, so when Blue (my horse) started to cut corners to catch up with the others, I didn't react fast enough and found myself going through a tree and grabbing a branch that I couldn't duck under. Then of course the branch broke and I ended up on the ground, just in time for my husband to come around the corner to see me falling out of a tree... without a horse. (I would love to have seen it from his perspective). Life is an adventure, isn't it? It really was a great ride until we got to the bottom to find out out our camera had fallen out of Kyle's pocket. (Kyle's parents gave this to us last Christmas). We had two search parties, but with no luck. So I have lost all pictures from August - September. If anyone has any, I would REALLY appreciate it! Kyle assures me that Kalel won't be as sad as me that we don't have pictures of him from ages 5-6 months. I guess that's true.

Don't forget to check out Kalel's blog. Click on his name on the left side.

Daddy's Girl

After we had lost the camera, my Dad was asking about what kind of a camera it was and the next thing we knew he bought us an early Christmas present. We now have a new camera so we don't miss any of the fun moments with Kalel. Thanks Dad!

Friday, October 26, 2007


We threw a surprise party for Glen's birthday! Here is his family.
Kalel and I dressed up for the party too!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


July was a fun filled, busy month! We celebrated the 4th at the balloon festival and then a big BBQ with the fam. I spent some time in SLC with my family at the cabin. Then we went to the Boulder Mountains for male bonding. (they invite the women every other year). We went to the SF Rodeo (Kalel pretty much didn't sleep that day), the next day was Elisha and Phil's wedding in St. George. Then Kyle and I went to Cedar City. He attended a seminar while I hung out with my sisters. By the time we got back it was almost August! We are having so much fun. Kalel is growing, we get a lot of comments about how tall he is and how he looks like a little old man! People say he looks like my Dad... must be the haircut. I think he's a pretty good mix between Kyle and I. We get comments both ways. He is starting to look more and more like his Dad. Kyle is busy washing windows with his buddy Richard. I am happily at home with my baby. We have a lot of fun together. The plan for now is to stay up North for a little while longer. We hope all are doing well, and that everyone is having a fabulous summer!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

For My Sista!!!

For those who know my sister Danielle... she is in Europe for the month of June. Keeping busy with things like being asked out by a Frenchman (on top on Eiffel Tower) and dancing the night away in Venice! Danielle, we are thinking about you. Hope you are having the time of your life. We love you! By the way I heard that Liam is mad you didn't take him with you. :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


I found out this week it is June... I must have been living in my own world for the past two months. I made an appointment for Kalel's two month check-up! Where has the time gone? Being a mom is so much fun. I had no idea how much my parents really love me until now. It is such an incredible experience. Well, our computer hasn't been working, so I apologize for not having more pictures to share.

Life is fun, busy and crazy at the same time. Kyle has been working on his parents farm doing everything from digging trenches, putting in a sprinkling system, clearing the ground for a playground area, etc. until today. He is now helping his friend start up his landscaping business in Utah County. They do a great job and work very hard.

I have happily been home for two months now. I hope to be able to work from home writing title policies. We will find out soon.

Check out the new pics, love to all!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Baby! This time for real!

He's finally here! I started having pains around 6 a.m. Monday April 9th. I thought they would just go away (as they always do) and went back to bed. I later got up to go to work, and they were pretty consistent and didn't seem to be leaving. I decided to walk around the backyard (I was ready for this baby to come and didn't want the contractions to stop)! I labored at home until I was 3-4 minutes apart. We checked into the hospital around 9 p.m. Kalel was born at 11:45, 15 minutes before his due date. He is starting out as a fairly obedient child! Everything went very well. He weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. and is 19 1/2 inches long. He is a healthy, adorable, tiny boy! We are now happily recovering at home. Click on his link on the side bar to see pictures. Thank you to everyone for your love and support!

Best wishes,

K&K (and K)

Sunday, April 1, 2007


This is our new blog. It will be the site you can visit whenever you want to catch up with what we are doing, and we will also be able to send you links so you can view our latest undertakings.

Well we are still waiting for the time to arrive. Kimmy is hangin' in there. Sometimes she wishes she were dead other times she marvels at the miracle inside her. So I guess it is a psychological game of give and take. That is the best I can do in understanding how she can be so elated one day and the next at the bottom of the dolldrums. (Not really though, she is a trooper and always positive.)
As for a name, well, we haven't captured that yet. We were so positive we were having a girl that we were thrown off the track with the news that the baby was actually a boy. However, we do have a full complete name for that girl - whenever she comes. The name that is floating around between us the most at the moment is Riplakish. Yeah I know its cool huh. You can call him either 'Rip' or 'Kish'. Think about that: Rip Roberts, brings a smile to your face huh?!
Anyway we are great and will keep you informed.

indubitably yours,