Friday, January 30, 2009

Busy, busy BOY! - any ideas?

   This is typical, I don't know how he just keeps going and going and going!!! I don't know how to flip the video, if anyone knows please tell me! 
   We are in need of some ideas for indoor activities for a toddler. I want to do more with him, but I need ideas! Please share :) 

3 years ago...

One of our First dates. 

This was just before the proposal! He proposed at the GWC Gala in front of 300 + people!
Engagement pictures.
And then came the beautiful day!

Kyle and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary December 28th! We were in SLC visiting family so my parents watched Kalel while we went to the family cabin. We parked at the gate and then went snowmobiling and saw the beautiful mountains! Then we stayed overnight at the cabin. The next morning Danielle and her friend Kamry met us to go sledding! It was a blast. I feel very blessed to have Kyle as my husband. I am crazy about him! Life is definitely an adventure! 

Happiest day of my life!
And then comes the baby! I love my little family! And can't wait to have another. :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinners with the Wright's and Roberts

Fun filled evening with... Papa, video games, guitars, playing Superman with Tate, and kisses from Tutu!
We spent Thanksgiving day with my family and had a lot of fun cooking together and talking. My cousin Emily brought her dog who Kalel enjoyed feeding his PB & J sandwich to. We all felt like Macie who fell asleep after dinner. :) Thanks to everyone for great dinners!

Here are step by step instructions on how to climb out of a crib... :) He has been in a toddler bed for over a month now. He loves it and adapted really well. We just have a lock on his door! He will play until he is done and always ends up in his bed with this blanket.