Tuesday, April 7, 2009

hello dolly

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hair Cutting Time

He has never had very much hair, but it does start to grow over his ears and stick up when it gets long. :) At first he was interested, then it tickled, then he was all done. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


He definitely observes EVERYTHING I do! 

This will make you laugh...

My Dad ever so kindly offered to pick up some pull-ups for Kalel. I told him what to get and... they were out of "Cars". So my Dad told him, "Hey, you get to wear diapers with pretty ladies on them." :) Awesome. (by the way they are Disney princess diapers)

Swimming, swimming, swimming

My little one LOVES swimming. We took him to the Cedar pool the other day. 

He looks SO BIG! 
This was so funny, he got stuck... "I stuck, I stuck!"

Field Trip & Sunshine

We took a field trip to the PET STORE! Kalel loved it. The animals were so cute. 

When the sun decides to shine, we take it outside! If I don't want to go to the park I set up my chair and try to read. He likes to carry around his "wagon" and juice. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa Phil!

My Grandpa Phil passed away 3 years ago on St. Patrick's Day. Every year we get together and have a birthday party for him! We usually have root beer floats (his favorite) and then go outside and sing Happy Birthday. All the kids have a green balloon and we let them go after we sing. Here is a video so my Mom could be a part of it! We love our Grandpa. :)
The kids watched their balloons go until they couldn't see them anymore, then Leah turned to me and said. "I wonder how long it takes for balloons to get to heaven." How cute is that? 
Also, my nephew Isaac wanted to go fishing for Grandpa Phil's birthday (anyone who knows him will understand). He said he was going to be lucky because it was Grandpa's birthday. He went out in the morning to a pond and caught 6 fish!!! (All by himself - he is 9) He said he just thought about Grandpa while he was out there and he thinks he helped him. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

One of the hardest parts of being a Mom - sick babies...

We had quite the adventure a couple of weeks ago. One Saturday Kalel went down for a nap after playing his guts out and woke up with a high fever. We were at my sisters so we went home and did our regular remedies and he slept with us. He was still fevering Sunday but the Motrin seemed to help. I thought I would take him in Monday because it was pretty high. Then he was doing great Mon morning but by the time the doctor's office closed his fever shot back up and I couldn't do anything to bring it down and he was really lathargic. We went to the ER Monday night. He was diagnosed with RSV & Pneumonia. He is supposed to be too big and old for RSV but this year they've seen a lot his age and it has TRIPLED in UT in the last month!!! His oxygen count was really low so they admitted him. We spent the next 4 night there. It was MISERABLE. He had x-rays, blood tests, breathing treatments, oxygen hooked up to his nose, IV etc. I had friends come visit and bring me free I-Hop pancakes and then... I got REALLY sick Wed night after I told my husband to go ahead and go to his meeting up North. Luckily my sister Danielle came to the rescue. She brought me Costa Vida, Advil, heating pad etc.  and held Kalel's oxygen mask while I showered. And my sister Corinne brought Kalel all sorts of treasures and things to do while there. After the 4th night I said I can't do this anymore I need to take him home. Neither of us were sleeping and he was starting to feel better, which means... he pulls the monitor off his toe, pulls the oxygen out of his nose, tries (successfully) to pull out the IV, wants to go on a walk, wants to be all done etc. They let us go home with oxygen because all his results were looking good - except for his oxygen. He just couldn't keep it up when he was resting or sleeping. So we rented a machine and came HOME! My visiting teachers and Young Women leaders came to the rescue with meals. My husband came home and I slept for 2 days. He is now doing GREAT and is back to normal! We are very blessed and grateful for all the help and prayers. Kyle and I are still fighting this never ending sickness but we're doing well. Thank goodness for binkies, silky blankets and a lap top to watch CARS!!

The not so much fun part of Feb.

Here is my baby :(    You can see the "cast" on his arm to cover the IV. You can see millions of cords that were always getting tangled up. There is also a picture of Danielle with him. I love how he had to put his feet on her neck. ?? Daddy would try to convince Kalel that he could cuddle with him while I tried to eat. He brought him a shake. (One of the few things he ate at first). And yes he is in Pull Ups! He is doing REALLY well with potty training. When we went for "walks" around the hospital we had to wear masks to protect others from RSV and us from getting anything else. The only way to get him to wear it was to tell him we were going on a walk. His favorite was to push around the wheel chairs or go on the elevators. He tired out pretty fast though. The last picture shows him in my bed with his penguin mask. HOME SWEET HOME. 

We had a baby shower for my sister Sara who will have her baby anytime between now and March 25th! This is the cutest diaper bag I've ever seen! Also my sister Danielle gave her these two onsies, I love the one that says "Does this diaper make my butt look big?" :)

We spent some time at my sister Corinne's house playing. We learned that Kalel can unlock the dead bolt for both the front and back door... lovely. He obviously went back outside after I had take off his shoes, socks and muddy pants. At least he had fun right? Then he and Macie warmed up by the fire. We love cousins!

Our February adventures...

Need I say anything? This cracked me up. :)

We learned there is another use for the dishwasher rack... who would have known? :)

We went on a "field trip" to see some horses with my sister Corinne and friends. Kalel had a blast.

We celebrated my birthday on the 7th, Valentine's Day 14th and Kyle on the 20th. This is a busy month! Kyle surprised me by making a HUGE delicious meal and inviting my family over. We spent Valentines Day up North with family and I made him a delicious lunch on his birthday.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some recent crafts & such

I love to do crafts. These are some pillows my Mom and I made. (Except for the gold one up front). I still have one more to make - to complete the set. :) I also received a steam canner for Christmas and canned apples for the first time by myself. I did an apple pie filling which turned out good! There are some other crafts I haven't taken pictures of yet that I will upload soon.

What your house looks like with 5 kids!!!

I watched 4 of my sister's kids while they went out and it was WILD! We had a blast. They kids CRUISED on their wiggle cars all night long! It was so fun to watch them. Kalel loves to HUG the kids, he just puts all his weight on them and waits to be picked up, even if it's his 3 year old cousin Macie!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Kalel had his first sledding experiences this Christmas break. I took him when we were at our cabin and he sat with me for 2 MILES! (We sled down the road and snowmobile up) At first he was a little unsure and then we started hitting bumps and he said "WEEEE, WHOA, THAT's FUN!" It was so FUNNY. There is a picture of him with Kyle's little sister Tessa when we went sledding in Spanish Fork. Then when we came home I bought two sleds. We went to a nearby school with some good hills. He went by himself a few times. He always flew off at the end. :) I will post that video later.

Las Vegas!!!

We went to Las Vegas recently. It was so WARM! It was sad to come back to FREEZING cold weather. But it was a great break. I hung out with some girls that will be going to Canada this summer. It was nice to get to know some people who I will be with all summer! Kalel had fun while we were SHOPPING. Well sometimes. :) He went on the "horsie" for the first time and LOVED it!



This is about a network marketing company called Exfuze. Because of the power of their product, market position, and business plan they are poised to do great things in the near future. I don't do things like this, I HATE MLM STUFF. I swore it off forever a couple years ago. But, and I know this sounds cliche, the combination of the product and compensation plan is unrivaled - anywhere. Please "here it out", both videos - especially the second one, and call me if you want more info. For those of you who know what Monavie did, they say that Exfuze will crush them. The way I see it is if people are going to be making money, and lots of it, it might as well be people like us who really want to make a difference in the world. 801.830.9799

Friday, January 30, 2009

Busy, busy BOY! - any ideas?

   This is typical, I don't know how he just keeps going and going and going!!! I don't know how to flip the video, if anyone knows please tell me! 
   We are in need of some ideas for indoor activities for a toddler. I want to do more with him, but I need ideas! Please share :) 

3 years ago...

One of our First dates. 

This was just before the proposal! He proposed at the GWC Gala in front of 300 + people!
Engagement pictures.
And then came the beautiful day!

Kyle and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary December 28th! We were in SLC visiting family so my parents watched Kalel while we went to the family cabin. We parked at the gate and then went snowmobiling and saw the beautiful mountains! Then we stayed overnight at the cabin. The next morning Danielle and her friend Kamry met us to go sledding! It was a blast. I feel very blessed to have Kyle as my husband. I am crazy about him! Life is definitely an adventure! 

Happiest day of my life!
And then comes the baby! I love my little family! And can't wait to have another. :)