Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Family Pics

Notice how Kyle is eating his face! Don't ask about me..
I have been waiting for 13 months to do Kalel's hair! If you look closely you can see his teeth. He is so cute! I can't believe how big he looks.

Kyle thinks this is so cheesy, I think it's cute. I think he's cute!

Funniest Home Videos???

We went swimming this morning, he was pretty tired but I wanted to rinse him off in the shower first... Then I saw a little head bobbing. (This is even better than watching my Dad sleep in church)!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Scavenger Hunt

I feel like everyday is a scavenger hunt. During the last couple of days in my hamper I have found... a pink flip flop, Kalel's tennis shoe, baby tylenol, a truck, spoon, cup, car keys, clean laundry I had just folded etc. In my cupboards... books, more shoes, a truck in my pot, keys again and the list keeps going. I said when I married Kyle that life would never be boring! And now I have a baby just like him! It is pretty funny.

Kalel loves reading. He brings me books to read to him, he will either listen to the whole thing and then get a new book and sit by me while he reads out loud (in the cutest jibberish language) or he will leave during the first book and get his own to read to himself. It is pretty dang cute!

Vegas is wonderful. The weather here is perfect (I'm sure it will be short lived). Kalel loves playing with his friend Abigail. My friend Heidi and I get together everyday. Our babies seem so much happier when they can hang out together. Kalel is teaching her the tricks of the trade. (The trade being... getting into trouble)! I still get to spend time with Kyle in the mornings and after 8:30. He is working so hard! He is a wonderful husband and a great Dad. Kalel loves him! He gets so excited when he sees him at the window. He has fun with "Uncle" Morgan too. They both throw him around and wrestle with him.