Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Baby! This time for real!

He's finally here! I started having pains around 6 a.m. Monday April 9th. I thought they would just go away (as they always do) and went back to bed. I later got up to go to work, and they were pretty consistent and didn't seem to be leaving. I decided to walk around the backyard (I was ready for this baby to come and didn't want the contractions to stop)! I labored at home until I was 3-4 minutes apart. We checked into the hospital around 9 p.m. Kalel was born at 11:45, 15 minutes before his due date. He is starting out as a fairly obedient child! Everything went very well. He weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. and is 19 1/2 inches long. He is a healthy, adorable, tiny boy! We are now happily recovering at home. Click on his link on the side bar to see pictures. Thank you to everyone for your love and support!

Best wishes,

K&K (and K)

Sunday, April 1, 2007


This is our new blog. It will be the site you can visit whenever you want to catch up with what we are doing, and we will also be able to send you links so you can view our latest undertakings.

Well we are still waiting for the time to arrive. Kimmy is hangin' in there. Sometimes she wishes she were dead other times she marvels at the miracle inside her. So I guess it is a psychological game of give and take. That is the best I can do in understanding how she can be so elated one day and the next at the bottom of the dolldrums. (Not really though, she is a trooper and always positive.)
As for a name, well, we haven't captured that yet. We were so positive we were having a girl that we were thrown off the track with the news that the baby was actually a boy. However, we do have a full complete name for that girl - whenever she comes. The name that is floating around between us the most at the moment is Riplakish. Yeah I know its cool huh. You can call him either 'Rip' or 'Kish'. Think about that: Rip Roberts, brings a smile to your face huh?!
Anyway we are great and will keep you informed.

indubitably yours,