Sunday, March 15, 2009

The not so much fun part of Feb.

Here is my baby :(    You can see the "cast" on his arm to cover the IV. You can see millions of cords that were always getting tangled up. There is also a picture of Danielle with him. I love how he had to put his feet on her neck. ?? Daddy would try to convince Kalel that he could cuddle with him while I tried to eat. He brought him a shake. (One of the few things he ate at first). And yes he is in Pull Ups! He is doing REALLY well with potty training. When we went for "walks" around the hospital we had to wear masks to protect others from RSV and us from getting anything else. The only way to get him to wear it was to tell him we were going on a walk. His favorite was to push around the wheel chairs or go on the elevators. He tired out pretty fast though. The last picture shows him in my bed with his penguin mask. HOME SWEET HOME. 


ozzylove said...

Poor guy! That just makes anyone's heart melt. We are so glad that he is home and feeling better.

Jamie And Leo Sagebin said...

That is so sad!!! Poor baby! I sure miss you please come visit soon!!!

Morgan & Heidi Taylor said...

Oh poor little man! I'm glad he's all better! Friday night will work for us if you three can still get together. Morgan gets back from out of town at 3:30. If that doesn't work for you hopefully next week we can because IT'S BEEN TOO LONG & I MISS YOU!!